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Restricted Tethered Oral Tissues (RTOTs): Understanding the Impact on Adults

Tongue-tie and lip-tie in adults can lead to a variety of issues, including breathing difficulties, airway obstructions, and sleep-related disorders.
However, it’s important to know it’s never too late for improvement. Dr. Buehler, in collaboration with Breathe For Foundational Development, emphasizes the significant impact of addressing Restricted Tethered Oral Tissues (RTOTs) on overall health and well-being.
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Recognizing the Signs

Not all tongue-ties present the same in adults, but being aware of common symptoms is the first step towards a solution. Look out for:
Difficulty swallowing or chewing
Mouth breathing
Snoring or sleep apnea
Chronic headaches or neck tension
Jaw pain or TMJ discomfort
Clenching or grinding
Speech difficulties

Precision Diagnosis: Beyond the Surface

In-Depth Clinical Examination & Patient History

The diagnostic process involves a comprehensive clinical examination and detailed patient history assessment. It’s imperative to identify symptoms that align with clinical signs, as not every frenum signifies a restricted tethered oral tissue (RTOT) condition. Dr. Buehler emphasizes precision in diagnosis, ensuring that treatment is tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Her approach is not to perform the procedure indiscriminately but rather to address symptoms that directly correlate with clinical indicators of TOTs. This meticulous evaluation ensures that interventions are appropriate and effective, prioritizing patient well-being and optimal outcomes.

Symptom and Sign Correlation

Understanding that not every tight frenum qualifies as a pathological tie, Dr. Buehler ensures that the decision for any procedure is grounded in a clear correlation between a patient’s symptoms and the clinical evidence observed during examination. This discerning approach safeguards against unnecessary treatments, prioritizing patient well-being and targeted interventions.

Selective and Thoughtful Treatment

Dr. Buehler’s philosophy underscores her commitment to patient-specific care. She does not advocate for procedures based solely on patient requests without clear clinical justification. This principle ensures that every treatment recommended is genuinely in the patient’s best interest, leading to more effective and satisfying outcomes.

Holistic Approach to Care

In addressing Restricted Tethered Oral Tissues (RTOTs), Dr. Buehler adopts a holistic treatment strategy that transcends conventional interventions. Recognizing the interconnectedness of oral health with overall well-being, her methodology is rooted in a comprehensive approach, ensuring that every aspect of the patient’s health is considered.

Myofunctional Therapy: The Cornerstone of Treatment

Central to Dr. Buehler’s treatment plan is myofunctional therapy, strategically implemented both before and after any procedure. This preparatory and rehabilitative practice is pivotal in optimizing the functional outcomes of treatments, enhancing muscle function, and promoting proper oral habits. By conditioning the oral environment for success, myofunctional therapy significantly increases the efficacy of subsequent interventions.

Gentle Yet Effective Interventions

Utilizing state-of-the-art laser technology for tongue and lip releases, Dr. Buehler ensures that each procedure is minimally invasive, reducing discomfort and speeding recovery times. Her approach is characterized by precision and gentleness, reflecting a commitment to patient comfort and safety while achieving profound therapeutic results. The procedure is known as a “frenectomy” or “frenuloplasty” and involves the removal of the tightly bound fascia and restricted tissues. These treatments take place in the dental office and usually only require local anesthetic. Most of the time Dr. Buehler will place resorbable sutures in the area to aid in proper healing.

Frequent Relief, Lasting Results

Patients frequently express experiencing immediate relief following Dr. Buehler’s interventions, a testament to the effectiveness of her targeted treatment strategies. Beyond the immediate improvements, the holistic and comprehensive nature of her approach aims for enduring benefits, addressing the root causes of RTOTs to facilitate long-term health and functional improvements.

Supporting the Tongue-Tie Journey

Breathe For Foundational Development focuses on a specialized program aiding those affected by RTOTs. It offers support and resources for individuals of all ages undergoing the tongue-tie journey. This comprehensive initiative is designed to complement the treatment and care provided at our facility, ensuring a well-rounded approach to managing RTOTs.

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